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Cover Reveal – Fated To Be His!

Blair and Emily's book


Blair Beckett’s motto was simple. Family first. Protect the clan. And always shield his heart.

He used to be the easygoing twin. Not any longer. Witnessing his brother nearly die fundamentally changed him. Some believe him to be the spare of the two. But he knows better. The clan would fall apart without his 24/7, tireless all-in mentality. He’d sacrifice himself in a heartbeat to keep his family and clan safe.

Emily Evers spends her days serving the public as a nurse. Then later her other persona takes center stage. The one who enjoys loud music, performing, and the lingering appreciation of the crowd. She can’t deny either one. The first keeps her grounded. The second stirs the depths of her restless soul.

When Blair transports to Earth on a humanitarian mission, he’s drawn into a catastrophe in progress. But the devastation underway is too far advanced for even him to stop. So he focuses his efforts on the woman fighting for her life in the middle of it all. And his world tilts. Emily falls hard for Blair’s charm. But when she comes upon a force that has her faith wavering, all her years of training and her belief in herself grind to a screeching halt. With the remnants of her life crumbling at her feet, she questions her path forward.

As the danger to their clan from the rogue fae escalates, Blair sets out to deal with the threat. Then the truth he knows well becomes all too clear. Their strengths lie in what they accomplish together.

And he is very much alone.


Below is a quick conversation between Blake and Blair that occurs after the epilogue in book 3, Taming Her Heart. (No spoilers).

Blair: *Chuckles* “I gotta say, I’m glad that’s over. It’s always a bit stressful when we’re all in one place like that. Bad to think that way, but during events I’m always grateful to be on the other side with everyone in one piece.”

Blake: *Slaps Blair on the back* “I hear you. Leslie, Tyler and Josh seemed to enjoy it. That’s the most important part. Besides the one you already mentioned.”

Blair: “Where’s Taryn?”

Blake: “She went on ahead with Avery and Charlie.”

Blair *Stops their motion and narrows his eyes* “You remember I can read you like a book, right?”

Blake: *Folds his arms across his chest with a long sigh* “And?”

Blair: “You want me to tell you?”

Blake: “Sure. Lay it on me.”

Blair: *Scrapes the fingers of one hand over his chin* “You’re regretful. No, brooding is more like it. Not about tonight, or my teams’ performance, or Leslie and Tyler. But specifically about me. It’s the why I’m still working out.”

Blake: *Rocks his head, followed by another sigh.* “All right. I’ve been debating a new assignment for you.”

Blair: “Well, at least you’re leading with a version of the truth.” He cants his head. “Let’s hear what you’ve got so far. I’ll pull a few people from one of my teams and we’ll get moving on it.”

Blake: *Shakes his head*

Blair: “You don’t want anyone else for this. Do you?”

Blake: “That’s right.”

Blair. “Fine. I’ll handle it personally. Whatever you need. You know that.”

Blake: “I do. You give 100%. Always.” *Pivots and starts walking again*

Blair: “What the hell… Why did you just block your thoughts from me?”

Blake: “Because I don’t want you in my head right now. We’ll finish this discussion later. Go get some rest. That’s an order.”

Blair: *Bares his neck and stumbles to his knees* “That last cup of a$$hole you drank must have been a double.”

Copyright © 2024 Bree Westland



The free prequel to the Rugged Peaks series, A New Beginning, is available here

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